If you looking for fastest way to reach from Amritsar to Manali is to take Indica from amritsar to manali it takes 6-7 hours time and the cheapest way to reach Amritsar from manali is to take Shane Punjab from Amritsar to Jalandhar then take State Transport Bus from Jalandhar to Manali it's will takes 17-18 journey. Delhi to Manali distance is about 564 kilometres. The route from Delhi to Manali by road travel is a long journey and can be tiring though the route is beautiful. Travelling from Delhi to Manali by car is the only mode of transport apart from bus between the two places. and it's completely safe route to travel at night.
Hi, Sushant! The best way to travel from Amritsar to Manali and to Delhi is to take a bus. State-run buses are easily available from Amritsar to Manali. The seats can be booked from their official websites or on the spot at the Amritsar bus stand. Similarly, multiple buses are available from Manali to Delhi which can also be booked online or from the Manali bus stand. Besides, you can also hire a taxi to reach Manali or Delhi, but the fares may be quite high. Hope that helps!
Drive a car