Just open the Tripoto app click on left top corner More options and there you can get the link for Get Paid to Travel. Hope this helps!
Click on 3 lines present in left corner top from where you access your profile name. When you click on that you will get 7..8 links and one is for Get Paid to Travel.
Not present on left corner
Its available when you click on options present in top left more options 3 slides.
Have you updated your app fully. what issue you are facing ?
Click left corner
Click on left side of the app and you can see get paid to travel
Go to the left top corner in the app where you can can see home, down below you'll find get paid to travel.
Click on the left Tab and you will be able to Get Paid to Travel section
>Click on Tripoto >Get Started >Travel for free with Tripoto Down the page you call also see the leader board.