Excellent choice these.. if I were in your shoes, is take a local transport service and get down at the highway to these destinations and try hitchhiking from there on. Just don't give up hope for it may take some time before you actually get picked. Chances are that you'll get someone visiting those same places or even if not, you can always request to be dropped at nearest points to both natural beauties of the national parks. Hitchhiking doesn't have to be via cars, in my experience truck drivers are the best people to hitchhike with so I'll strongly recommend a truck based hitchhiking. they may charge you some nominal amount but the experience from front of the truck seat and the view, given the greenery and the jungle on the sides of the road add to the delight and experience of traveling... my best wishes..
Thanks a lot!!! With the habit of booking tickets prior to the journey, I totally forgot about hitchhiking which I used to do in my college days!! Thanks a lot for reminding me again! I'll surely do this time!