You have to take bus from shimla to reckong peo . It is journey of around 6-7 hours. When you'll reach peo first check the bus frequency because there are only 2 buses for chitkul . You can first visit kalpa also and then next day you can visit chitkul. Kalpa is totally worth to visit. My opinion is that you're going to chitkul then you should visit kalpa.
Hi Harsh, If you want to visit Chitlkul going to Kangra would be useless. You should instead go through shimla. Tripoto have a perfect packages for you.I have attached with this comment that package, you can click on them to find more details about them. If you want to talk to someone about the packages simply fill in your details in the form and you will receive a call.
It's better you take a direct bus from Delhi to ReckonPeo it starts at night from Delhi and make sure to carry your own food for the one day journey and the bus will reach in the evening with few stops.... then at the bada bus Adda inquire about the bus to chitkul or Sangla valley and take a bus to kalpa and stay at Ashoka hotel a really nice hotel with a friendly manager. and the view is awesome for the next day stay in kalpa and explore chinni gaon the monastery the heightest school on India and then do visit sucide point. for next day take the bus to Sangla valley if u want and visit kamroo monastery and go to chitkul and try to stay in the village or in homestay.. the hospitality is great there