Hi Sulagna, You can reach Ziro from Guwahati by a taxi directly. Guwahati is 473 km away from Ziro and it takes about 11 hrs to reach by road. You can take a train from Guwahati to Kathal Pukhuri that takes about eight hours. After that, you can hire a taxi or a bus to reach Ziro which is 122 km away from there. You can also take a bus from Guwahati to reach Itanagar/Naharlagun/North Lakhimpur and hire a taxi or public transport after that to reach Ziro. Keep travelling!
Thanks a lot
You can get a taxi from khanapara.
You can reach Ziro from Guwahati by a taxi directly. Guwahati is 473 km away from Ziro and it takes about 11 hrs to reach by road.
Ziro Valley is best reached via Assam's largest city Guwahati. Once in Guwahati the best route is to take the 7hour train journey to Naharlagun Station, then catch a shared sumo taxi to Ziro Valley.,sumo%20taxi%20to%20Ziro%20Valley.