The best time to visit Auli is during the summer season, from March to June. Temperature ranges from 10°C to 20°C, and people from all age groups can have a fun-filled time in Auli, during this time. This is also the ideal time to feast your senses on the mesmerizing vistas of Mother Nature. But you won't able to see snow because it will be June you might see glacier mountains..
Between June to October, the valley has one of highest number of flower species found anywhere in the world, with 520 species of high altitude plants, 498 of which are flowering plants with significant populations of endangered species. So if you want to enjoy and explore this flower world than go in June.
Auli is a beautiful place and is very scenic also, the temperature never exceeds 20-22 degrees even in peak summers but if you visit in months of January - February the beauty goes to next level due to its snow capped mountains and you will be able to witness and enjoy the winter sports especially skiing competition...for more info kindly see our blog especially for Auli at or post your queries at
No u wont get to see the snow....but the valley be full of flowers and greenery... u can trek also to kuari pass or valley of flower
Yes this time is good to explore Auli.
Not sure about snow but yes it is very good time to visit in june will be cold..u might get snow but not sure
Yeah... you will have a great time in june
upvoteUpvotemessageComment can....but if you want to experience skiing in should go between November and February