A Rainy April Evening in Delhi

17th Apr 2019
Day 1

The last three years I've been observing that it is sometime in the middle of April that the rising heat gets suddenly tempered by this short spell of welcome rains even though it lasts maybe a day or two at the most. It is amazing to experience this reminder of natural coolness in the air when we are just getting used to the unnatural ACs, now a ubiquitous summer necessity.
This time too it rained but just a shower or ten minutes long drizzle at other place. But what mesmerized me was the amazing colors of the darkened sky. A walk along the lush green Pusa road of central Delhi and the strangely barren trees against the backdrop of different hues of the darkening sky provided for an amazingly beautiful photography opportunity. And so braving the threatening heavy showers which never really happened except for sporadic heavy raindrops, I got busy shooting with my phone camera, these trees in central Delhi.

Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali
Photo of A Rainy April Evening in Delhi by Mohsin Wali