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🗓 Best Time To Visit:December to February, during the dry season.

⏰ Open Hours:Most attractions are open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, although it can vary.

🎒 Things To Do:Visit Aluvihare Rock Temple, explore spice gardens, hike in Knuckles Mountain Range, and experience local tea production.

💰 Budget:Entry fees for most attractions range from free to 1500 LKR. Budget around 5000-7000 LKR per day including meals, transport and attractions.

🧳 Traveller Types:Nature lovers, Adventure seekers, History buffs, Foodies.

📌 Known For:Spice gardens, Aluvihare Rock Temple, Knuckles Mountain Range, and rich history of tea production.

🚄 Distances:From Kandy Railway Station: 26 km, From Bandaranaike International Airport: 139 km, From Dambulla: 33 km.

🍽 Local Cuisine:Try local dishes like Kottu, String Hoppers and Coconut Sambol.

🧗‍♀️ Adventure Activities:Trekking in the Knuckles Mountain Range, exploring the caves of Aluvihare Rock Temple.

🏛 Historical Significance:Matale is known for the Aluvihare Rock Temple where the Buddhist scriptures, The Tripitaka, were first written down.

👒 Tip:Wear comfortable footwear for temple visits and hiking. Remember to respect local customs and dress appropriately when visiting religious sites.

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Matale: A Hidden Gem in the Heart of Sri Lanka

Are you looking for a travel destination that offers a rich blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and agricultural diversity? If yes, then you should consider visiting Matale, a city in the central province of Sri Lanka, that has something for everyone.

Whether you are looking for adventure, culture, or relaxation, you can find it in Matale. In this article, we will explore the best places, times, and guides to visit Matale, and discover why it is a hidden gem in the heart of Sri Lanka.

The Best Places to Visit in Matale

Matale is a city that is surrounded by stunning natural attractions, such as mountains, waterfalls, lakes, and forests. It is also a city that has a rich history and culture, dating back to the ancient times, and influenced by the British colonial era. Here are some of the best places to visit in Matale, where you can experience the wonders of nature, culture, and history.

Knuckles Mountain Range: A Breathtaking Natural Reserve

The Knuckles Mountain Range is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that covers an area of over 21,000 hectares. It is named after its resemblance to the knuckles of a clenched fist. It is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including many endemic and endangered species. It also offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, such as waterfalls, valleys, and forests.

The Knuckles Mountain Range is one of the most popular places to visit in Matale, Sri Lanka, for nature lovers and adventure seekers. If you want to explore the Knuckles Mountain Range, you can book a guided trek, which will take you to the best spots and trails in the reserve. You can also enjoy camping, birdwatching, and photography in the area.

Muthumariamman Temple: A Colorful and Vibrant Hindu Shrine

The Muthumariamman Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to the goddess Muthumariamman, who is believed to protect the people from diseases and disasters. The temple is famous for its colorful and intricate architecture, which features a 55-meter-high tower with over 500 statues of gods and goddesses. The temple is also the venue for the annual Matale Muthumariamman Temple festival, which is one of the largest and most vibrant festivals in Sri Lanka.

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It attracts thousands of devotees and tourists, who participate in various rituals and celebrations, such as fire-walking, chariot procession, and cultural performances. The Muthumariamman Temple is one of the best places to visit in Matale, Sri Lanka, for culture and history enthusiasts. If you visit Matale in February, make sure to check out the Matale Muthumariamman Temple festival, which is a unique and unforgettable experience that you don’t want to miss.

Sembuwatta Lake: A Scenic and Serene Lake

Sembuwatta Lake is a man-made lake that is located in the Matale district, about 23 km from the city center. It is situated in a tea estate, and is surrounded by pine trees and green hills. The lake has a depth of about 9 meters, and is fed by natural springs. The lake is a popular picnic spot, as it offers a scenic and serene environment for relaxing and enjoying the nature.

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The lake also has a swimming pool, a boat ride, and a zip line for those who want to have some fun and adventure. Sembuwatta Lake is one of the best places to visit in Matale, Sri Lanka, for families and couples. If you want to spend a day in the lap of nature, you can visit Sembuwatta Lake, and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the lake.

The Best Time to Visit Matale

Matale has a tropical climate, which means that it is warm and humid throughout the year. However, there are some variations in the weather, depending on the season and the altitude. Here are the best times to visit Matale, based on the weather, the attractions, and the festivals.

Winter: The Peak Season for Matale Tourism (December to February)

Winter is the peak season for Matale tourism, as it offers the most pleasant and comfortable weather for sightseeing and outdoor activities. The average temperature ranges from 18°C to 28°C, and the rainfall is low. However, winter is also the most crowded and expensive season, as many tourists flock to Matale to escape the cold and enjoy the festive atmosphere. You might have to book your accommodation and transportation in advance, and expect higher prices and longer queues. Winter is the best time to visit Matale, Sri Lanka, if you don’t mind the crowds and the costs, and want to experience the best of Matale’s attractions and festivals.

Summer: The Off-Season for Matale Tourism (March to May)

Summer is the off-season for Matale tourism, as it is the hottest and driest season of the year. The average temperature ranges from 22°C to 32°C, and the rainfall is minimal. However, summer is also the least crowded and cheapest season, as fewer tourists visit Matale during this time. You can find better deals and discounts on accommodation and transportation, and enjoy the attractions without much hassle. Summer is the best time to visit Matale, Sri Lanka, if you are looking for a budget-friendly and peaceful trip, and don’t mind the heat and the dust.

Monsoon: The Rainy Season for Matale Tourism (June to November)

Monsoon is the rainy season for Matale tourism, as it brings heavy showers and thunderstorms to the city. The average temperature ranges from 20°C to 30°C, and the rainfall is high. However, monsoon is also the greenest and most fertile season, as it makes the nature more lush and vibrant. You can witness the waterfalls, the lakes, and the forests in their full glory, and enjoy the fresh and cool air. Monsoon is the best time to visit Matale, Sri Lanka, if you love the rain and the nature, and don’t mind the wet and muddy conditions.

Getting There

Matale is a city in the central province of Sri Lanka, about 142 km from Colombo, the capital city. There are different ways to reach Matale, depending on your budget, time, and preference. Here are some of the options:


You can take a train from Colombo Fort Railway Station to Matale Railway Station, which is located in the city center. The train journey takes about 4 hours and 50 minutes, and the ticket price ranges from Rs. 310 to Rs. 480, depending on the class. The train passes through scenic landscapes, such as mountains, forests, and tea plantations.


You can take a bus from Colombo Bastian Mawatha Bus Terminal to Matale Bus Station, which is also located in the city center. The bus journey takes about 3 hours and 45 minutes, depending on the traffic, and the ticket price ranges from Rs. 2042 to Rs. 2482. The bus is a cheaper and faster option than the train, but it can be less comfortable and more crowded.


You can hire a taxi from Colombo to Matale, which is the most convenient and flexible option, but also the most expensive. The taxi journey takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the price ranges from Rs. 12000 to Rs. 15000. You can book a taxi online or by phone, and choose the type of vehicle and the number of passengers.


You can also drive your own car or rent a car from Colombo to Matale, which gives you more freedom and control over your trip. The drive takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the distance is about 142 km. You can follow the A1 highway, which is the main road connecting Colombo and Matale. You can rent a car online or at the airport, and choose the model and the duration.

In this article, we have explored the best places, times, and guides to visit Matale, and discovered why it is a hidden gem in the heart of Sri Lanka. Matale is a city that offers a rich blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and agricultural diversity, and has something for everyone.

Whether you are looking for adventure, culture, or relaxation, you can find it in Matale.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your trip to Matale, Sri Lanka, today, and experience the wonders of this amazing city for yourself. Thank you for reading, and happy travels!

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