The country which I had been dreaming from childhood; finally a day came when I was about to fly to my destination
I always used to wonder why these Japs having population of only 1.6% of the world , provides technology to entire world.
What makes them special?
Why they live longer life ?
The main aim of my trip was to discovery their difference and to learn some things so that I could apply in my upcoming life
The category of Visa through which I applied was "Visit to a Friend"
My friend was working there and he was having vacation for 15 days so I got opportunity to travel
My flight was in 27 th dec 8:00
I was little bit nervous but much excited to see the country in reality
Day 1
I was nervous but the entire day went in flight
As journey from Mumbai to Tokyo was around 10 hours and 7250kms
I was expected to reach my destination in the morning around 7:30
The dinner which I got was awesome ; I dnt know what it was coz it was Japnese. I enjoyed as I selected ANA for my journey as it is Japnese airlines.
The fare difference between Air India and ANA is only of 1k.
Day 1