Riding Into Sikkim | Kalimpong to Lachen | Vlog 5 | #Tourof2017


Vlog 5 in the #tourof2017 series.

After the few days that I spent in Kalimpong, I decided to put off my plan to go to Darjeeling and instead head directly into Sikkim.

I was keen to get further into the mountains and closer to the Himalayas. That’s where the adventure was, and that’s where I wanted to be.

Follow me on Social Media to see pictures and get other details about this trip:

Instagram: @tollfreetraveller

Facebook: http://facebook.com/tollfreetraveller

Twitter: @TollFreeTravel

If you’re interested in travel through India (particularly on a motorcycle), do also read my blog - you might find some useful information: www.tollfreetraveller.com
