Once upon a time, the sun and the mountains fell in love with each other, and decided to stay together.
On the very first day that they were together, all other elements of nature went up to them and explained how they need the sun too.
After all, the sun has many duties.
To provide life to all other elements of nature.
To provide light and warmth to all other places and people.
To keep the universe in balance.
As much as they wanted to stay together, they had to accept that the sun cannot belong to any one person, thing or element. The entire world needs it.
Sadly, they had to separate.
But as the sun was leaving, it kissed the mountains so lovingly, that the entire universe observed it. A Golden Kiss it was.
Their love story still continues.
Every morning, the first thing the Sun does, is to kiss the mountains.
And every evening, before departing, it gives the mountains A GOLDEN KISS.
A sight you can witness every evening. A sight, that's a testimony to their true love. .
Let's feel their love story in pictures.