March- June and Mid- September to November
12 out of 14 attractions in Palampur

Langha Mata

Keep aside your Darjeeling and Assam Tea as it is now time for the very fragrant Kangra tea. The name is such because the tea leaves used are all grown on the lush meadows of the Kangra Valley and especially the small town of Palampur. Palampur is rightly known as the 'Tea Capital of North India'. Every side you look at here will be filled with lovely green tea plants. These are properly trimmed and are broken at places with canopies formed with large trees providing the tea plants with a little shade. The tea from here is fermented till it is brown and the look of it is quite different from other varieties you usually taste. These are a beautiful honey- gold in colour and have a milder flavour comparatively. The Darjeeling and Assam varieties are no doubt the best but the Kangra Variety is also not to be ignored. Sadly, this variety is still not popular everywhere compared to other varieties but you should definitely explore the aroma once you are here.