We don’t believe in uniformity but diversity – so the reason we offer more programs than most agencies “doing” adventure, is that each of them is done with knowledge and passion. In fact, our trips reflect our personalities. We’ve never stop exploring the nature of things. Although we are all locals fluent in English, some of us speak Spanish, German and Italian. And because we love Croatia and adventure, we know some pretty amazing people, characters, stories, restaurants, secret trails, coves, groves, all kinds of places Lonely Planet and other guide books can only dream about. So knowing where, when and how to find a solitary spot in the middle of high season is not just a challenge, it’s an opportunity we look forward to! We care and want our guests to have best possible time when traveling, because why should anyone settle for anything less?! We believe that by selling our services we are selling ourselves. That may sound awkward at first, but only by committing yourself totally are you able to be proud of what you deliver.