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Core ball (also named “Core ball”) game is an online video game followed by the idea of a console game called AA Ball in 2015. The original idea is quite .. Everyone can enjoy it. There's something intriguing and incredibly addictive about it. Game play is extremely simple. A total of 91 levels are available in this game. The highest experience level one can reach in RPG video gaming is 65,535, and can be achieved in two games - Fallout 4 (Bethesda, 2015) and Guardian's Crusade (Tam soft, 1998). Most videogames that feature a level system tend to instil a level cap, so that the player cannot continuously grow. Core Ball is a science fiction miniatures board game for 2-4 players developed by Burning Games and Big Child Cre atives where players will grapple, push, hack and steal their ways to victory on