Cover Image of Harshit Gawri
Photo of Harshit Gawri

Harshit Gawri

location icon Gurugram
Insta @harshitgawri Designer, writer, photographer, storyteller, and a preacher of creativity and creative living. Amidst all this, I also put on the "traveler" hat from time to time. As far as traveling is concerned, here are my two cents on it. I think most of the people today travel because it's the new hip thing everyone seems to be doing and just because they need a vacation from their reality. While I understand why taking a break helps, I don't think that's what travel means. I don't think you need to go to picturesque location or necessarily to a different country or a city in order to travel. Traveling, to me, is an act of exploring new worlds and there is no dearth of new worlds in and around each one of us - the slum near your apartment, or the discarded heritage site in your city that nobody cares for, just because it hasn't popped up on someone's Insta feed yet, or the remotest corner of the city you've always lived in but still haven't ever explored. I travel to learn, to explore, to grow, and to find the inspirations and perspectives that I wouldn't find in my own world.