Cover Image of Mitali Ghodke
Photo of Mitali Ghodke

Mitali Ghodke

location iconPune
There are thousands of quotes about travel.. thaousands of people who love to travel.. n thousands of places to explore.. every other person u ask wat u want to do with your life the answer will always be" I WANT TO TRAVEL THE WORLD" n yes there are people who live this beautiful dream.. I'm also one of those people who wants nothing but to travel,to explore,to meet new people,to fall in love with the amazing world out there,to cry,to fly,to go anywhere the lonely roads take me,to do every adventure,to take any kind of risk,to fight,to learn and many many more things. Travel is the only thing wich gives us the best opportunity to explore our selves. n that exactly I'm going to do. Love travel,love people,go out there n just take whatever u get cz that is the thing going to be there forever.