Photo of Sudeshna Roy

Sudeshna Roy

An aspiring globetrotter who dreams of discovering nook and crannies of this world and explore them to the fullest. An adult with a child's heart who believes that there are two things that are utmost liberating- words and traveling. Words come in the shape of inspiration and traveling makes a person better with time, broadens their knowledge and instills a sense of responsibility towards one's own self. It is difficlut to answer to the question of what drives me. Anything good drives me. The sense of accomplishment drives me. The duty and responsibility that I have on me as a human being drives me to the fullest. The unending joy of traveling and what we get to learn from every travel diaries drive me. The idea that we all are just traveling in our own space, in our own lives with so much little time in hands and so many things to do, drives me. That I might not be here and I might not get another chance to share my experiences while traveling to different places drive me, it scares me. And I want to keep on doing it. I want to tell people and travel enthusiasts stories, facts and details they need to know while traveling, I want to start a conversation with unknown people and inspire them to pack their bags and leave to explore the world, I want to contribute something good while traveling in the various parts of this world. Just like I said, the essence of everything good drives me, inspires me and compels me to narrate a story, to inform people about traveling, to make them realize that with traveling, one can actually come to terms with his/her own self, and that is what is most important. I have been writing about travelogues and travel articles online for quite some time now. Apart from blurting out my own feelings on the pages of my personal diary, I think traveling is the sole thing that quenches my insatiable thirst to discover new things, to learn new facts, to talk to new people and to build up a souvenir that would be full of interesting stories and how I got to rediscover myself through traveling.
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