Ultralight flight pokhara - Soar over the mountains with this unique experience

Photo of Ultralight flight pokhara - Soar over the mountains with this unique experience by Khiskabanda

What comes to your mind first when someone mentions pokhara from nepal to you- 



Bunjee Jumping??

The Big lake??

Or club hopping?

Well The obvious natural beauty and nightlife aside,most people going to pokhara end up doing paragliding.

And while paragliding is one of the most amazing adventure activities out there(saying this as a solo paraglider myself) there's something that is equally enjoyable with a bit more safety.

Enter Ultralight - This cute little plane looks more of a flying scooter with it's small body and a handglider for wings.

Sit back and relax as the flight takes you over the city with amazing views of the city from up above and the lake views like nothing else.

Here's the video for you  - 

So next time you are going to Pokhara head straight to Pokhara ultralight to see this view for yourself - 

Follow me on instagam - https://www.instagram.com/khiskabanda/

and sub to my youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Rm2QlCWahf_7t-hl6kpPQ

for more such adventures .

