Our desire to find out some off beats locations brought us to a place which is called Suaju Dev Hans Ka Kila/fort by the local villagers.
Nothing much is known about this place. We did few sittings with locals for it to know it and also how to go close to this fort.
Villagers were very kind to us and told everything about it and also showed us the way. So one fine morning we went close to this fort and enjoyed what we are best at. Found some dry wood and made coffee and tea for ourselves. It was so heavenly in this wilderness. The chirping of birds, the Sun rise, the fresh air... Where you get these things in cities?

And then we marched towards the fort. We needed to trek a little as there are no roads that lead towards it. As we came closer, I noticed that it was actually quite a big fort. So far we had seen it from far and from drone clips, but its real size manifests when we actually come to its door.
You may had seen a few forts in some jungles, but this fort holds a jungle itself. It is in quite a bad shape and should be called as the Ruins of Suaju Dev Hans fort. We walked and saw every nook and corner of this fort and tried our best to grasp the past.

A little history which we were told about this fort was that it was built in the year 1714. Suaju Dev Hans fought some fight the whreabouts of which is unknown but locals believe that as he won that fight, he built this fort for himself to commemorate the victory. However, Suaju Dev was poisoned later and there was no one left who could take care of this fort.
Kind of a tragic and yet a half story. Nobody knows much about it. Being so isolated and in the wilderness, this place has no historical records left.

We were also taken to the Lake close to the fort, which also gives some indication that either the fort was built in this location because of the water source or the lake was built because of the fort. Who knows?
There is also a Hanuman temple near the lake The villagers escorted us to these places. We will remain highly thankful for them for their hospitality.

Later we made a program so that the other groups of Agra could also visit this marvel lost in the history. On one fine morning we took Photographers club of Agra and Taj Royal Bikers club of Agra with us.

Villagers received us with open hands and heart. They offered us their best service. First they took us to the fort where all young ones recorded some moments of adventure, laughter, smile and learning.

Later, we were served with Lunch which was mind blowing. I have not tasted such food from a long time. So homely, full of love, and so authentic. All words for praise fall short in front of the love the villagers had shown to us.

So this was all about our visit to this offbeat location. I will be back with something new very soon.
How to reach
The nearest town to the fort is Dholpur on the Northeastern edge of Rajasthan. You need to trace Hunting lodge Van vihar in Dholpur, and if you are driving stick to the 3A road as mentioned on the map below. Follow as shown in the Map.

Best time to visit
Just like any city in Northern India, best time is winters and that is from October to March.
Places to stay
Dholpur is the nearest city where you can stay. These are some hotels that you may consider.
From Agra, prefer your own vehicle or taxi. Both must be 4x4 for these places.Also please note that come to this place in day time only. This place is rough.
Also would like to request you guys to check video which I had made for this place. Please subscribe the channel on YouTube and I will be back with some other destination very soon, for now stay at home and stay blessed.