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Kal Bhairav Temple
📍 Kaal Bhairav Temple, Madhya PradeshView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:October to March

⏰ Open Hours:5:00 AM - 12:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM

🧳 Things To Do:Participate in rituals, Explore architecture, Photography

💰 Budget:Free entry, Donations accepted

👥 Traveller Types:Religious, History enthusiasts, Solo travellers, Family

🔍 Known For:Ancient temple, Unique ritual of liquor offering to deity, Stone-carved idol of Kal Bhairav

📍 Distances:2 km from Ujjain Railway Station, 57 km from Indore Airport, 14 km from Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga

📜 Historical Significance:Believed to be built by King Bhadresen, On the banks of the Shipra River

🕉 Deity:Kal Bhairav, a form of Lord Shiva

🎆 Festivals Celebrated:Kalabhairav Jayanti, Shivratri

♿ Accessibility:Wheelchair accessible, Parking available

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Kal Bhairav Temple: The Mysterious Temple Where God Drinks Alcohol

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to offer alcohol to a god? Well, you can find out at the Kal Bhairav Temple in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, where devotees offer liquor to the deity and witness the miracle of the liquor disappearing. Read on to find out more about this fascinating temple, its history, significance, and mystery, and how you can plan your visit to this unique destination.

Photo of Kal Bhairav Temple 1/1 by
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About the Temple

The Kal Bhairav Temple is dedicated to Kal Bhairav, a fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva, and the Lord of Time. Kal Bhairav is also the guardian deity of Ujjain, and protects the city from all evils. The temple is located on the banks of the Kshipra River, about 8 km from the Ujjain Junction railway station.


The temple is believed to have been built by King Bhadrasen in the ancient times, and is mentioned in the Skanda Purana, one of the 18 major Puranas of Hinduism. The temple is also associated with the Tantra cult of Hinduism, which involves the worship of the fierce forms of Shiva and Shakti, and the use of various rituals and practices to attain supernatural powers. The temple was restored and renovated by the Maratha general Mahadaji Shinde in the 18th century, who also built a ghat (steps) on the river near the temple.


The temple is a beautiful example of the Malwa style of architecture, which is characterized by the use of red sandstone, intricate carvings, and domed roofs. The temple has a spacious courtyard, a main shrine, and several smaller shrines. The main shrine houses the idol of Kal Bhairav, which is made of silver and has a garland of skulls around its neck. The temple walls are adorned with exquisite paintings depicting various scenes from Hindu mythology. The temple also has a large bell, which is rung by the devotees to announce their arrival.


The temple is one of the most important and revered temples of Ujjain, and attracts thousands of devotees and tourists every year. The temple is especially popular during the Kumbh Mela, which is a massive religious gathering that takes place once in 12 years, when millions of pilgrims take a holy dip in the Kshipra River. The temple is also one of the eight Bhairava temples in Ujjain, which are dedicated to the eight aspects of Kal Bhairav, and are visited by the devotees as part of a pilgrimage circuit.

The Mystery of the Temple

The most intriguing and unique feature of the temple is the offering of liquor to the deity. Yes, you read that right. The devotees offer liquor to Kal Bhairav, and witness the miracle of the liquor disappearing from the bottle or the vessel. How does this happen? Is it a scientific phenomenon or a divine intervention? Let’s find out.

Liquor Offering

The offering of liquor to Kal Bhairav is a centuries-old tradition, and is considered as a mark of respect and devotion to the deity. The devotees buy liquor from the shops near the temple, or bring their own bottles. They then stand in a queue to enter the main shrine, where they hand over the liquor to the priest, who pours it into a metal saucer and holds it near the mouth of the idol. The devotees then watch in awe as the liquor level in the saucer goes down, as if the deity is drinking it. The priest then returns the empty or partially empty saucer to the devotees, who take it as a prasad (blessed offering).

The amount of liquor that the deity consumes varies from day to day, and from devotee to devotee. Some devotees claim that the deity drinks the entire bottle, while some say that he leaves a few drops. Some devotees also claim that the deity prefers certain brands or types of liquor over others. The devotees believe that the liquor offering pleases the deity, and grants them his blessings and protection.

Science vs Faith

The mystery of the liquor offering has baffled many people, and has attracted the attention of various scientists and researchers, who have tried to explain the phenomenon with logic and reason. Some of the scientific theories that have been proposed are:

- The idol has a hollow cavity inside, which is connected to a pipe or a tube, through which the liquor is drained out.

- The idol has a sponge-like material inside, which absorbs the liquor, and releases it later through evaporation or leakage.

- The idol has a chemical coating or a catalyst, which reacts with the liquor, and converts it into gas or vapour.

However, none of these theories have been proven conclusively, and have been challenged by the priests and the devotees, who claim that the idol is solid and intact, and that there is no external or internal intervention involved. They also point out that the phenomenon is not consistent, and that the liquor consumption varies from time to time and from person to person. They also argue that the phenomenon is a matter of faith and devotion, and not of science and logic.

What do you think? Is the mystery of the temple a scientific phenomenon or a divine intervention? Do you have any other theories or explanations? Share your thoughts and opinions with us in the comments section below.


The Kal Bhairav Temple is a fascinating and unique destination, where you can witness the miracle of the god who drinks alcohol. The temple is also a rich and ancient cultural and religious heritage, where you can learn about the history, significance, and mystery of the temple, and the Tantra cult of Hinduism. The temple is also a great place to experience the spirituality and devotion of the devotees, and the beauty and artistry of the architecture and the paintings.

If you are looking for a different and exciting travel experience, then you should definitely visit the Kal Bhairav Temple in Ujjain, and offer liquor to the deity. You can also explore other attractions in Ujjain, such as the Mahakaleshwar Temple, the Ram Ghat, the Harsiddhi Temple, the Kaliadeh Palace, and the Jantar Mantar. You can also plan your visit during the Kumbh Mela, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the largest religious gathering in the world.

To plan your visit to the Kal Bhairav Temple, you can use the following information:

Best Time: The best time to visit the temple is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and comfortable. You can also visit the temple during the Kumbh Mela, which takes place once in 12 years, and is expected to be held in 2025.

Timings: The temple is open from 5 am to 9 pm, and the liquor offering takes place throughout the day. The temple also has special aartis (worship ceremonies) at 7 am, 12 pm, and 7 pm, which are worth attending.

Entry: The temple does not charge any entry fee, but you have to pay for the liquor that you want to offer to the deity. The liquor prices vary from Rs. 10 to Rs. 500, depending on the brand and the quantity. You can also bring your own liquor, but make sure that it is sealed and unopened.

Tips: Here are some tips to make your visit to the temple more enjoyable and hassle-free:

- Dress modestly and respectfully, as the temple is a sacred place.

- Follow the instructions and guidance of the priests and the staff, and do not touch or disturb the idol or the paintings.

- Do not consume alcohol or any intoxicating substance before or after visiting the temple, as it is considered disrespectful and offensive.

- Do not take photographs or videos inside the temple, as it is prohibited and punishable.

- Do not litter or damage the temple premises, and dispose of the empty bottles or vessels properly.

- Be patient and courteous, as the temple can get crowded and chaotic, especially during the festivals and the Kumbh Mela.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article, and learned something new and interesting about the Kal Bhairav Temple. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends and family, and subscribe to our website for more such content. Thank you for reading, and happy travelling!

Kal Bhairav Temple Reviews

Kaal Bhairava Temple The Kaal Bhairav Temple is trusted to be linked with the Cult of Tantra of Hinduism. Accordingly, Many Sadhus (Saints) with Ash Wraped Bodies and Long matted Hairs can be seen around this temple any day. Shivalinga is Found under a Banyan Tree inside the Temple Complex opposite of Nandi Ji, the Holy Bull. According to Mythology, the Bull was gifted to ShivaJi and Parvati Mata, on the occasion of Weeding from King Daksh, the father of Goddess Parvati Mata.
A quick, 10 mins ride to Kaal Bhairav is must. It is a temple where the Lord is offered Liquor. One can buy an offering of their choice to the deity - A must visit.
Photos of Kal Bhairav Temple
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