Dabbagulli and TK Falls | Places Near Bangalore | One Day Trip

Day 1
Photo of Dabbagulli and TK Falls | Places Near Bangalore | One Day Trip by Bloggers Without Borders - (BWB)

Since we are not travelling much long distances and people from Bangalore are trying to explore near by places and so we are doing as well.

Dabbagulli is a river bank which appeared after dam construction and making a good place for picnic with friends and family.

Accidently we discovered a new spot with is different for this place and there is a resort construction is going with will make it more beautiful once it will be completed. We spent sometime over there and we decided to see TK falls which is much closer to Bangalore.

Please watch the linked video for detailed information.

Please make sure you travel responsibly and keep the place litter free.

Please do comment for any information.

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But TK falls wasn't a good experience not because of falls just because of us. Since it is very close to Bangalore, it is a hot spot and everyone is going there leaving it so dirty and messy.

We see all sort of garbage in water stream so it's a humble request let's keep our nature and places clean so when ever we are going there we should not be disappointed by ourselves.