You can stay at "Wanderers Hostel" located in North Goa, Morjim. It's a budget stay. All the famous beaches aren't too far from the location. You get all the famous beach destination in 20kms radius. You all the facilities like wifi, A Tent House accommodation, Swimming pool, they have their own resturant. It's probably the best budget stay in Goa as per my knowledge. Link attached below. - Thank you Wanderers Hostel
Madhla Vaddo, Morjim Beach Road, opp. Nanu Wines, Morjim, Goa 403512
096192 35302
There are lots of option in goa for budget stay: if travelling solo go for hostels which you can check on hostelworld Or
otherwise better to book for one day and search there only as offline rates are less as compared to online.