Hi Reshu! There are 5 trains from Delhi to Deoghar, from 7 AM in the morning to 5 PM in the evening. There are no direct trains from Deoghar to Sri Sanmed Shikharji (Parasnath). There are two options available as alternatives. 1. You can either take a taxi/cab from Deoghar to Parasnath. 2. Take a train from Deoghar to Dhanbad and then from Dhanbad to Parasnath. You can also take a direct train from Delhi to Parasnath. There are 6 such trains. And after that, you can use one of the above two options to travel from Parasnath to Deoghar. Make sure to double check the availability of trains on the Indian Railways site before you plan your trip. Happy Travelling!
Many train please check.jasdih station near deoghar