Hi There. Firstly, you need to know that there are no direct transportations from Jodhpur to Manali. We would suggest you book a train ticket from Jodhpur to Delhi and from there a Bus will drop you at Manali Bus Station. Once you have reached Manali, there are numerous doors towards itineraries that you want to follow. As you know that Manali is a well-known destination for travelers and families from all over the globe. To make the most out of your budget trip in Manali, you have to be smart about it when it comes to small things. There are numerous homestays in Manali and Old Manali, where you get to experience the solidarity of these homestays and that too at a price that will not nick your pocket. You will be delighted to hear about various volunteering opportunities, where you get to contribute to the prosperity of a cafes or Homestays. These opportunities come with blessings like Free food and Accommodation. A delightful treat for travelers traveling on a low budget, as there are numerous beautiful and ambient cafes in Manali. You get to save money while treating your stomach with some delicious delicacies. As a traveler, I am sure you want to experience both the thrill and serenity of the hiking trails of Manali. In case You are interested in Short & Serene Hikes from Manali You can go through my Blog on Best One Day Treks From Manali from the link below: https://www.wanderworms.com/list-of-best-short-hikes-from-manali/ Also, here is another blog on Best Cafes To Chill in Manali https://www.wanderworms.com/cafes-to-chill-in-old-manali/ Hope this Helps!