Yeah sure! just select the words by double clicking or selecting it, then you will find a tiny window appear above the selected area, B is for Bold, I is for Italics, U is for underline.
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By using the fonts
I too had this very same question
Yes, just select the text you would want to highlight/bold, you would get an option to do it.
Has it to do anything with mobile app or desktop version?
Hi Sushmita you can do it in tripoto webiste using a system and not in Mobile app. Just like you bold/italize/underline a word in MS Word u can do it using keyboard. clt+B = Bold clt+I= italize clt+U= underline To change font size ,select the word and follow the icons H.
Thank you🙂
While writing blog select the particular word or sentence then one bar will pop out on screen to change bold, italic and many more
Double click the letter or text which you want to edit and select the desired font type and size.
While writing or editing the blog , you get an option to (bold , italics ) your text .
Select the the particular section and do a right click it will give you option like bold, italics or you can simply use short cuts like CTRL+B= BOLD. CTRL+I= ITALICS