Yes, when i visited I saw many international travellers from other countries. They need to book or buy an entry ticket. The counters are open till night 8pm, if not the hotel or resort where travellers stay in they boom tickets. Online booking is lot easier.
@Radhika narasimhan Thank you for letting me know about the online booking ,its gonna help me alot
Yes they can. They need to buy either online and offline tickets. online ticket is more easy. The counter is open from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm.
Thank you so much @ankita for giving me the exact visiting hours to visit the tallest statue in the world ,I am excited to visit !!
Thank you guys for giving me so many details ,I am excited from the day I got to know about the statue of unity from this article : I am eagerly waiting to see it with my wide open eyes
Yes, international travellers can visit