Gokarna is a beach town of India meaning cows earth, where confluence of Gangavali and Agnashini rivers prevail. From Mumbai 723kms away if Gokarna. By air there are flights to Goa and then from Goa you could take another flight to Gokarna. By rail Maru Sagar express, Matsyagandha express runs till Gokarna. By road it takes 15 to 17 hours ride.
There is no flight between goa to gokarna you have to take taxi or train from the goa
Best marusagar train but it will drop you at midnight
Train would be the most convenient if not by road.
Train is quick and best option. can take Mangalore superfast express and get down at kumta. for return journey matsyagandha express is best. starts around 6.30 at Gokarna road station