To travel from Vagamon to Alleppey by bus in the early morning, here's a suggested route and steps: Local Bus Service: Start by checking the local bus schedule from Vagamon to Kottayam. There are regular bus services available between Vagamon and Kottayam. From Kottayam to Alleppey: Upon reaching Kottayam, you can find frequent buses heading towards Alleppey. The distance between Kottayam and Alleppey is relatively short, so there should be several options available. Timings: Buses in Kerala usually start operating early in the morning, so you should be able to catch a bus from Vagamon to Kottayam around that time. Booking in Advance: It's advisable to check with local authorities or the bus station a day before or earlier to confirm the timings and availability, especially if you have a specific time in mind. Sometimes, popular routes can get crowded. Travel Time: The total travel time might vary depending on the specific bus schedules and any potential waiting time between transfers. On average, it can take around 2-3 hours to travel from Vagamon to Kottayam and about 1-1.5 hours from Kottayam to Alleppey by bus. Remember to arrive at the bus station a little early to secure your tickets, especially during peak travel times. Additionally, keep some buffer time between transfers to avoid missing connections.
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