The cheapest way to travel from Chennai to Shimla is by train. Here are the steps you can take to plan your journey: Check the train schedules and availability on the Indian Railways website or app. You can choose from several trains that run between Chennai and Kalka, the nearest railway station to Shimla. Book your tickets in advance to get the best prices. You can also opt for sleeper or general class tickets, which are cheaper than AC tickets but have fewer amenities. Once you reach Kalka, take a toy train or a taxi to Shimla. The toy train is a popular and affordable option that takes you through picturesque mountain landscapes. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Kalka to Shimla. There are several private and state-run buses that operate on this route. If you are on a tight budget, consider staying in budget hotels or hostels in Shimla. You can also try street food and local eateries for cheap meals. Overall, the journey from Chennai to Shimla can take around 2-3 days and cost you anywhere between INR 1000-5000, depending on your mode of transport and accommodation choices.
Train is cheapest way to reach Shimla from Chennai. Catch a train from Chennai to Delhi. Then from Delhi to Kalka by Train. Kalka to Shimla by bus or Toy train