The duration of travel from Goa to Kolkata can vary depending on the mode of transportation chosen. Here are approximate travel times for both air and train routes: By Air: The flight duration from Goa to Kolkata typically ranges from 2 hours and 15 minutes to 2 hours and 45 minutes, depending on the airline and the specific route. Please note that this time does not include check-in, security procedures, and boarding time, which can add extra time to the overall journey. By Train: Traveling by train from Goa to Kolkata takes significantly longer compared to air travel. The duration can vary depending on the specific train and route. Generally, it takes around 26 to 35 hours to complete the journey. This duration can vary depending on factors such as the type of train, the number of stops, and the distance between stations.
Thank you so much
Currently there is only one train from Goa to Kolkata which is to the Shalimar Station and will take around 41 hours time.
Thank you so much
The travel time from Goa to Kolkata varies depending on the mode of transportation you choose. Here are approximate durations for both air and train travel: By Air: The flight duration from Goa to Kolkata typically ranges from 2 to 3 hours, depending on the airline and any layovers or connections involved. It's important to note that flight schedules and durations may vary, so it's advisable to check with airlines for specific details. By Train: Train travel from Goa to Kolkata takes significantly longer compared to air travel. The duration can vary depending on the train route and availability of direct trains. On average, the journey can take around 28 to 36 hours, depending on the train and its scheduled stops. It's important to check train schedules and availability before planning your trip. Please note that these durations are approximate and can be subject to changes due to factors like weather conditions, train delays, or flight schedules. It's always recommended to check with relevant airlines or railway authorities for the most accurate and up-to-date information when planning your journey from Goa to Kolkata.