You can travel to Raipur on a train from there and then travel on a bus or train from there to chitrakot. Distance between Raipur to Chitrakot. The aerial distance from Raipur to Chitrakot is 447 km while the road distance between Raipur to Chitrakot is 607 km.By Train it is 633 Km. There is/are 2 direct train(s) from Raipur to Chitrakot. These train(s) is/are Ljn Garibrath (12536) and Betwa Express (18203). Hope this turns helpful, Happy travelling.
First you need to travel to koraput , you can take an overnight bus and after you reach in the morning you can take either bus or train to bastar where chirtakoot is situated Alternatively you can also take a train direct to Bastar and visit Chitrakoot