From Coorg Ooty is 5 hours away. You could travel till Mangalore by any mode of transport and from there 3 hours away is coorg. Three to four days are much needed in coorg, that you don’t miss Raja seat, coffee plantations, life of Kodava clan, golden temple, iruppu falls, talakaveri, dubare. Don’t miss to taste kadubu idli, paputtu, akki roti, baimbale curry and koovalpettu sweet. From Coorg there are buses to ooty, or you could book a cab to ooty. If you have enough time, you could reach by bus to Mysore which is 3 hours away, spend a day in Mysore then next day proceed to ooty. Don’t miss out on dodabetta, ooty lake, botanical gardens, kalhatty falls, Coonoor train ride, rose garden, pykara falls. Also you can taste some best sambhar and bite varky biscuit.
Make Mysore the base location to start the trip. Visit Ooty via Bandipur National Park and halt for a safari ride. Spend 2 days at Ooty and you can cover most of the destinations and come back to Mysore. Next, head towards Coorg and halt at Kushalnagar to visit the surrounding places. You can go to Madekeri the next day and cover the remaining places!
Yes you can plan your trip start from Coorg & Visit Wayanad on the way to Ooty.