There is no direct local transport service to Illikal kallu from kochi. As if you need to travel from kochi to Illikal kallu its better you can connect the routes through public transport services. From cochin you need to take bus service to Thodupuzha , Idukki District. From Thodupuzha you need to travel Muttom around 12km from Thodupuzha . You can find out bus service to this place from Thodupuzha. Then you need to move on to a place named Melukavu. You can find bus or taxi service . Then From Melukavu move on to Erattupettah. From Erattupettah you need to take diversion. You can find out local taxi service to nearby places near Illikal kallu. Its better hire some private taxy service from Erattupettah to Illikal kallu.
There is only one Private bus is available for Illikkal Kallu. The bus service from Pala to Illikkal Kallu goes via Erattupetta. You have to go to Pala or Erattupetta to catch that bus. Check the Illikkal Kallu Bus Timings here