Upvote means if your comments will help to others then they will like your comments and mark as upvote and you will get +1 credit per upvote. Wishlist means maybe someone asked good question and mentioned details for any trip so that you can mark wishlist so it will be available in your profile and you can see after that , you dont need to search that post again.
Upvote states that other persons suggestions in the comments helped you with your queries and the answer was in relevance to your question. Upvote is simply the reward you give to other peoples suggestions and opinions, which also helps you with your questions. Wishlist is like bookmarking or liking someone else travel stories. You can wishlist someones blog if you liked the itinerary or places mentioned in the content or even also if you liked the way it is portrayed.
The more people up vote and wish list your answers and travel blogs, the more credit you earn, do read " how to travel free with tripoto" you will have a better idea.
Wiahlist helps to keep your travel filtered
Hey, it will help you earn more credit
Every hiting upvote gave you 1 credit. it is same like youtube I can say if you like it mean in triopto upvote for more details you can visit the plan for free page and wishlist when you like any topic or any story and you want to read but you couldn't make it now so you hit wishlist and it showing in your profile and you will read it later.
The answer to your question is in how to travel free with tripoto along with other information.
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