Make sure that all the pics are uploaded. and dont forget to add location and dates
Wait for at least 48 hrs after uploading
Did they send u any email saying sorry no credit points were given for the photo??
Hey Akshai, Here are the criteria to be known :- Photos added should be all yours and none plaigarised ... You will get credits within 48 hrs ... You will get a mail from Tripoto stating congratulations you have got 36 credits for the photoblog ... If all above are met and still you don't have credits mail to ... and then you will get the reply for why they didn't give you credits ... Happy Blogging and Happy Travelling Bro!!!
Hi Akshai, Wait for 48 hours working hours. Don't include saturday, sunday as these are not working days. And if still you didn't get the credit make sure pictures are not from any sites. It should be your own. And if still you are not able to get point. Email on the tripoto, you will get answer why are you not getting points. Happy Travelling! Thanks, Yasmin
Hey Akshay, Put these point in mind : 1)Good quality photos 2)Telling the place 3)Catchy title and tag location 4)Give caption to each photo 5)Dont close app or site before complete upload. Hope this would help you.
You will receive credits after your post is approved by the system, it will usually take around 1-2 days for the complete process.
Photos posted should be original and yours and the content should not be plagiarized wait for 48 hrs to receive the credits You will get a mail from Tripoto stating congratulations you have got xyz credits for the photoblog ... If all above are met and still you have not received credits mail to mentioning that you have not received the credits for photo blog
Write them email
It takes around 24-48 hours for credits to get credited in your account
Mail them or Republish
If you don't receive credits in 2-3 days then drop a mail to