Check ur inbox
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You get these options when you are uploading your trip using the laptop.
No Yoshita, not for photo blogs.
It's not only about the start date and trip cost. In photo blog, the originality and quality of the pictures is most important. If you didn't get any point then your pictures are not upto the mark. I also did a photo blog without any start date and trip cost but still I managed to earn some points.
Try to improve your post
Sup man
It's helpful
Hmm, I also get this mail one time
Hi Yoshita, in order to earn credits your posts must be approved by Tripoto's system and there are certain parameters on which your posts are checked. You can go through them here:
As per the originality and picture quality is concerned, there should not be any problem
Originality is photos is they key point to achieve more points. Go for original pics as much as you can
Actually photoblog is about a photo and a good caption and trips is all detailed information. so in photo blog there is limit trying to post trips instead of photo blogs
Open your account on website of tripoto.And try to present your blog in a different way.
There is when you write on desktop site. Not sure if this facility is available in app.