Yes, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in India. It is a 10-day festival that celebrates the birth of Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom and remover of obstacles. The festival is primarily celebrated in the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Telangana. The festival begins on the fourth day of the waxing moon in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada. On this day, clay idols of Ganesha are installed in homes and public places. The idols are then worshipped for 10 days, with prayers and offerings. On the 10th day, the idols are immersed in a body of water, signifying the end of the festival. The best places to see Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations in India include: Pune: Pune is the cultural capital of Maharashtra and is known for its vibrant Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. The city hosts a number of large and elaborate pandals (temporary shrines) that are decorated with flowers and lights. Mumbai: Mumbai is the financial capital of India and is also home to a large number of Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. The city's beaches are a popular spot for people to gather and celebrate the festival. Ahmedabad: Ahmedabad is the capital of Gujarat and is known for its traditional Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. The city's temples are decorated with flowers and lights, and there are a number of public processions. Goa: Goa is a popular tourist destination and is also known for its Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. The state's beaches are a popular spot for people to gather and celebrate the festival. Hyderabad: Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana and is known for its colorful Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. The city's streets are decorated with flowers and lights, and there are a number of public processions. If you are planning to visit India during Ganesh Chaturthi, it is important to book your travel and accommodations well in advance. The festival is a popular tourist attraction and hotels tend to fill up quickly. I hope this helps!