What's the cost for a family like 3 members including our son who is 4 years old.
Around new year goa could get really pricey, even hostels can charge around 1K for a bed.. but if you plan to stay long then you should look for local shacks on the beach, in a long term stay you can get a shack between 500-800 per day and its on the beach so its very pretty... If you are travelling
Dear victoria .... goa is not that much expensive it depends where you stay how is your pocket allows here you can get hotel from 1000 rupees to 25000 if you a budget travelers then 2500 to 3000 rupees for a day in good hotel for your family prices depend upon the location like cheaper in South go
Hello , whenever you are going to Goa please let me know the date..please tell me the budget also.
I m staying in goa only and helping solo traveller to stay at my place