Hi, Uff! so covering three places completely in 45 days is not possible and a bit extreme. You can however cover some places in all three locations. Start with Uttarakhand as it is farthest to Kashmir, explore some of Uttarakhand and then get to Himachal proceed to Kashmir.
Unfortunately no. It may take around 15 days just to explore one part of Himachal pradesh and it can easily take entire 45 days just to explore most of the Himachal Pradesh. Having said that, you can definitely explore some zones in each of these states
Yes, it is possible with executing a good plan. my plan was to visit each district without time limit so there was not much problem n still continuing. But you still can do it with 15 days each or Uttarakhand 10-12 days, Himachal 15-20 days rest remaining 1- First list down state wise location you want visit in each state 2- Map the Locations based on available transport option as well consider weather, legal restrictions etc while mapping 3- Location mapping based on distance & available transport will help you know which to start first n what to next etc 4- While Mapping also consider night stay as leverage n use it like visiting a place in morning, Thank You See You on the Road...👌👌
Yes u can