बताया जाता है कि सम्राट अशोक की बेटी संघमित्रा धर्म प्रचार के लिए जब श्रीलंका गईं तो अपने साथ बोधगया से मूल बोधि वृक्ष की एक शाखा ले गईं। इसे उन्होंने श्रीलंका के अनुराधापुर शहर में लगा दिया। वह बोधि वृक्ष वहां अब भी है और माना जाता है कि वह दुनिया का सबसे पुराना वृक्ष है। ये भी मान्यता है कि बोधगया में अभी जो बोधि वृक्ष है वह श्रीलंका से लाए गए पौधे से उगाया गया है।
It is good place
Anuradhapura is historical city of Sri Lanka there are number of Buddhist monasteries you can visit
Good place to visit if you like to explore the ancient civilization of sri lanka. but no beaches or any other entertainments. lot of people visit anuradpura to worship Ruwanwelisaya
Anuradhapura, located in Sri Lanka, holds both cultural significance and a rich history. The location plays an important part in Sri Lankan history and was originally the country's capital. It is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its beautifully maintained historical and archaeological sites. Anuradhapura offers a variety of attractions for visitors to explore. From the temples and tall stupas called dagobas to the monuments, the location provides a glimpse of history. You can explore Anuradhapura and its alleyways to experience the beauty of the past.