One of the foundations of creating any business is an investment. And in each business segment, they have their own characteristics. Investments in the travel business are relatively high compared, for example, with shops. This means that they are more difficult and you have to appeal for borrowing from external sources. But to fully show the advantage of your business and convince investors you must prepare a professional presentation. And the best solution will entrust this work by a specialist from which will ensure the most favorable result.
I agree that attracting the attention of investors is quite difficult, for this, you need to present your project qualitatively and at the same time clearly understand the benefits of investors. To do this, you can use templates that will allow you to focus on achieving goals, you can include a separate slide explaining the benefits of investors and creating a plan for strategic development and interaction.
A hotel extranet is a web-based platform that allows hotels to manage their inventory, rates, and availability across various distribution channels such as online travel agencies (OTAs), global distribution systems (GDS), and direct booking engines. It enables hoteliers to update information in real-time, ensuring consistency across all platforms and maximizing their visibility to potential guests.