This is the best time to visit varanasi.
Winters are probably the best time to visit Varanasi. There are quite a lot of trains everyday and tickets are mostly available.
The fastest way to reach Varanasi from Kolkata takes you 1h 50m, via flight. You can check flight prices here:;c:INR;e:1;sd:1;t:f;tt:o The cheapest way to reach Varanasi from Kolkata takes you 9h 35m, which is to take Durgiana Express from Kolkata to Varanasi. The maximum travel time is approximately 1 day. Other train timings can be checked here: The best time to visit the city of Varanasi is during the winter months (November to February). Although it gets cold, this is the ideal time to explore the holy city comfortably, without getting tired in the heat. The average low temperature is around 5°C.