Kedarnath is a famous pilgrimage site in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. While there are no direct flights or trains from Kolkata to Kedarnath, there are several options for getting there. Here's one possible route you could take: Fly from Kolkata to Dehradun: There are several airlines that operate direct flights from Kolkata to Dehradun, which is the nearest airport to Kedarnath. The flight duration is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes. Take a taxi from Dehradun to Sonprayag: From Dehradun airport, you can hire a taxi to take you to Sonprayag, which is the nearest roadhead to Kedarnath. The journey takes around 7-8 hours, depending on traffic conditions and road conditions. Trek from Sonprayag to Kedarnath: From Sonprayag, you will need to trek for around 18 km to reach Kedarnath. The trek takes around 6-7 hours and can be challenging, so it's important to be physically fit and prepared for the journey. Alternatively, you can also take a train from Kolkata to Haridwar or Rishikesh, and then take a taxi or bus to Sonprayag, before trekking to Kedarnath. However, this route may take longer and be more time-consuming. It's important to note that the route to Kedarnath can be affected by weather conditions, particularly during the monsoon season (July-September), so it's a good idea to check the weather forecast and road conditions before planning your trip.
Thanks a lot for the detailed information. Really appreciate this πŸ™ 😊
I went to Kedarnath last year, so sharing my insights - This might help you.
This article is having a complete information about kedarnath trek and it will help you to plan.