Best time to visit Switzerland is from June to august France is from April to October Italy is between March to May and September to November.
Summer is good to visit Europe. Prefer to go Norway.
June to September!! Happy journey 🙌
Plan in April, if you want to avoid tourist crowds
Summer Season May to July
June to September is Best
Summer is the best time to travel in Switzerland. Locarno’s Piazza Grande The Lombard architectural style is used to create a 700-meter-long series of aesthetically pleasing porticos that serve as the commercial and dining district of Locarno. This street view is particularly active in the summertime when "Moon & Stars" and the International Film Festival are taking place. The Visconti Castle, the numerous churches of the Città Vecchia (old city), the lakeside, and the significant San Vittore church in Muralto are just a few of the significant locations in the historic center that are reachable from Piazza Grande. Due to the retreat of the lakeshore, which had previously brushed the homes, Piazza Grande was constructed in the 700s. The traditional cobblestone river pavement was created in 1825.