There are lot of ways You could write for paid websites You could be a tour guide You could volunteer You could vlog and blog travel You could teach languages
Kapilji answered your question too.
You could check out with travel magazines, paid websites like Matador network do help new travellers. You could also check with wanderlust and GoNomad. Lonely planet too offers scope for writing. Volunteering I have heard a lot about Spiti ecosphere and SSTCN.
Looking for the same answer.. Ma'am can you please share some websites name?
You can do travel photography as well as travel blogging to earn money
Writing articles in different platforms.. you will earn
They are many Ways that You Can Earn While Travelling. Be a Volunteer Teach English Take Stock Photographs Work Remotely Buy Local Products and then Sell them Online Work on Farms of other people Become a Guidebuddy Start Blogging Trade work at a hostel Work as a Bartender You can also Become a street performer