The cheapest way to travel from Pelling to Darjeeling is by taking a shared taxi or a shared jeep. Shared taxis and jeeps are a common mode of transportation in this region of India, and they are generally quite affordable. You can find shared taxis and jeeps at the main taxi stand in Pelling. It's best to ask around and compare prices before you book a ride. The fare can vary depending on the number of passengers and the time of day, but it should be around 200-300 Indian Rupees per person. The journey from Pelling to Darjeeling by shared taxi or jeep takes around 4-5 hours, and the road is quite scenic, passing through beautiful tea gardens and small villages. However, keep in mind that shared taxis and jeeps can be crowded and uncomfortable, especially if you have a lot of luggage. If you prefer a more comfortable and private ride, you can also hire a private taxi, but it will be more expensive than a shared taxi or jeep.
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Unleash your merging prowess in and experience the joy of planting a balanced orchard full of attractive and varied fruits.
The cheapest mode could be a shared car/ bike.
You must go for shared taxi, private taxi is very costly , bus service is not frequant
Unleash your merging prowess in and experience the joy of planting a balanced orchard full of attractive and varied fruits.