It takes 7 hours on road to reach Bokaro from Calcutta. Cost of travel by bus and by train must be ranging somewhere between 900rs to 1k if you opt for private bus. If public bus then cost must between 400rs to 500rs. By road cost comes between 2k to 3K. Train cost is accordingly to chair car or sleeper train cost.
What is the cost if I will live ther one night
Hi, it take nearly 7 hrs from Bokaro to Calcutta, there are many transport facilities to reach cuclutta, private buses charges Rs 900/- to 1200/-, cabs will charge 5k. by train Rs 250 to 400/-
What is the cost if I will live ther one night
By Train it will cost around 300 to 500 Rs. Private buses will charge 900 to 1000 Ra for Bokaro to Kolkata
What is the cost if I will live ther one night