On my personal experience i would share a few points to do a good travel trip that is memorable. First- Love for travel. Before travel was enjoyable, oflate it’s tedious due to pandemic. Still without love for travel, doing a good trip can’t be possible. Second- Travelling where you like. That’s very important. It might be same place again and again, still there is something in it that makes you travel to a spot or place or destination. Third planning. Perfect planning is tough, so definitely plan A plan B is a must. Planning gives you a kind of feeling that you have enough options, you know what to do, so your travel won’t be ruined. Fourth choices you make in travel. Suppose you choose to use this mode of transport or you choose to eat this food or you decide this spot, it’s wholly yours. That means what you like you choose. Last, peace in travel. Every journey, be solo or group or personal travel should give you peace and make you feel - I have had a good trip, that allows you to share in tripoto platform motivating others to travel.
Awesome! as expected. Very well defined, it seems to have good experience. Thanks.
Read Good Travel books of place where you want to go.. then explore that place ... nd last share your experience with other people in the form of pics, videos, travel articles...repeat it
Plan Tour before starting.. read books 📚about your destination.. then go for it