If your post has a catchy title and an attractive, detailed cover picture, you're already 75% through. In content, since Tripoto being a travel community, most of the people here look for destination and trip related articles. To gain more readers just look for these things and the readers will come flying at your post.
People generally visits platform like tripoto for planning their trips in advance so that they can utilize their vacation time in effective manner. So, Along with catchy title and good photos, always add tips and try to sketch out itinerary, give heads up about any local rule or restrictions or preferences.
आप पूजा तोमर, स्मिता यादव, रोमिंग मयंक, दीक्षा अग्रवाल, प्रिया यादव इन लोगों को फॉलो कीजिए... ये लोग शानदान पोस्ट और टाइटल लिखते हैं... इनसे आपको मदद मिलेगी
Most people like photoblogs more with catchy captions, so try clicking and uploading photos to gain more views