Best way is to travel through bus which will cost you around 1300 to 2000 or you can opt for train also which will cost 650 to 2000
Dhanushkodi is accessible by road and rail. Here's how you can reach Dhanushkodi from Bangalore: By Air: The nearest airport to Dhanushkodi is Madurai International Airport, which is approximately 174 km away from the town. You can take a flight from Bangalore to Madurai and then travel to Dhanushkodi by road. By Train: There are no direct trains from Bangalore to Dhanushkodi. You can take a train from Bangalore to Rameshwaram and then take a local bus or hire a taxi to Dhanushkodi. The travel time is around 12 hours. By Road: You can also drive from Bangalore to Dhanushkodi. The distance between Bangalore and Dhanushkodi is approximately 645 km, and it takes around 11-12 hours to reach the town. You can take NH 44 to Salem and then take NH 38 to reach Rameshwaram. From there, you can take a local bus or hire a taxi to reach Dhanushkodi. As for the cost of a trip to Dhanushkodi, it depends on your mode of transportation, accommodation, and other expenses. The cost of a one-way flight from Bangalore to Madurai can range from INR 2,500 to INR 6,000, depending on the airline and the time of booking. The cost of a train ticket from Bangalore to Rameshwaram can range from INR 500 to INR 2,000, depending on the class of travel. If you are driving, you will need to factor in fuel costs, toll charges, and other expenses. Accommodation in Dhanushkodi ranges from budget guesthouses to luxury resorts, with prices starting from around INR 500 per night. Food and other expenses will depend on your travel style and preferences. Overall, a trip to Dhanushkodi can cost anywhere from INR 5,000 to INR 15,000 or more, depending on your itinerary and budget.
The best way is to go to Rameshwaram by train as you will get to see the beauty of Panam Bridge. Then you can take local autos till Dhanushkodi